Willow Creek Homestead
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Making Some Changes
Hello Friends,
It has been a long time since I have been on here. But I have decided to make some changes that will require I be on here more often.
I hope spring finds everyone well and ready for summer! I know Oklahoma is already HOT! But that's OK. I am ready for it. Although it was really hard to turn the AC on for the first time. I don't mind the heat so much, as long as there is a breeze. But my hubby and kids can't handle it. SO I turned the AIR on and they cover up with blankets on the sofa... Oh well.
We have been super busy! And I am so glad. I truly hate to have nothing to do but house work. ;)
I am now the Women's Ministry Director of our church and have been pretty busy trying to get things lined out. And I am not organized! So that just keeps me running in circles. But we have had a great start to our new ministry. And I am really excited, and truly thankful to my team! They are awesome on so many levels.
Which brings me to some of the changes I am going to make on my blog. I am going to try and be an encouragement, leaving Words of wonder and love from Scripture. I thought maybe this could be the way I could give back. So many of you have give aways and are selling on etsy to share your crafts. Well, I don't make crafts... I shop for them. And since my sewing machine is being stubborn, I can't sew right now anyway. Which is really frustrating!
My desire in life is to Minister to women. To let you know that you are loved by God, and myself, and that no matter what you have been through or have done, you are beautiful. And there is nothing but yourself that can keep you from an amazing, everlasting, unconditional love, that is God. I will share some of my story at times to help you understand why I feel that way I do and how He has been my Rock, the Only Way, and Only One who could get me through my hard times that started as a very young child.
I will not be preaching. I will be sharing thoughts, and would love feed back, comments to start discussions, whatever... positive or negative. I'm tough, I can take it. ;)
But there will also be a lot of the normal stuff on here too.
So, on to other things. Like my kiddos, it is the end of the school year and it will be a crazy busy summer!
Yesterday was the end of the year awards assembly for my youngest, Addie. She is in first grade, and she is pretty much brilliant. Her teachers don't know what to do with her. She reads like a crazy person at 126 words in 40 seconds! WHAT! how is that even possible? They ask her questions and she is able to retain the story to answer the questions afterward. So she isn't skimming. And for the reading tests they read out loud. UGH! We will be at the library all summer I think.
Is is sad that when your child brings home a paper and she has missed one you are excited because it isn't another 100? Yes, I guess it is. I just worry that she is going to grow up expecting to always have to be perfect. Have the perfect grades, job... I want her to understand that it is OK to make mistakes once in a while, or more even...
Anyway. We were so proud of her yesterday as she was awarded the Academic Excellence award for her class. And she was so excited because she got the award last year as well!
I think this is pretty long. a book maybe? Perhaps I shouldn't wait so long between visits.
but I do have to brag about one more of my children, Jillian is 12 and she plays the alto sax in the 6th grade band. I am so proud of her. She works so hard. And she has accomplished so much. We got to hear her play last night in her 1st band concert with the sax, (they changed her in Dec from clarinet). And she played so well! We were very proud of her.
Well, I guess that is all for now. I will probably be back on later this week, as I still have so much to say! Maybe I should make some friends to talk to once in a while... hmm
It has been a long time since I have been on here. But I have decided to make some changes that will require I be on here more often.
I hope spring finds everyone well and ready for summer! I know Oklahoma is already HOT! But that's OK. I am ready for it. Although it was really hard to turn the AC on for the first time. I don't mind the heat so much, as long as there is a breeze. But my hubby and kids can't handle it. SO I turned the AIR on and they cover up with blankets on the sofa... Oh well.
We have been super busy! And I am so glad. I truly hate to have nothing to do but house work. ;)
I am now the Women's Ministry Director of our church and have been pretty busy trying to get things lined out. And I am not organized! So that just keeps me running in circles. But we have had a great start to our new ministry. And I am really excited, and truly thankful to my team! They are awesome on so many levels.
Which brings me to some of the changes I am going to make on my blog. I am going to try and be an encouragement, leaving Words of wonder and love from Scripture. I thought maybe this could be the way I could give back. So many of you have give aways and are selling on etsy to share your crafts. Well, I don't make crafts... I shop for them. And since my sewing machine is being stubborn, I can't sew right now anyway. Which is really frustrating!
My desire in life is to Minister to women. To let you know that you are loved by God, and myself, and that no matter what you have been through or have done, you are beautiful. And there is nothing but yourself that can keep you from an amazing, everlasting, unconditional love, that is God. I will share some of my story at times to help you understand why I feel that way I do and how He has been my Rock, the Only Way, and Only One who could get me through my hard times that started as a very young child.
I will not be preaching. I will be sharing thoughts, and would love feed back, comments to start discussions, whatever... positive or negative. I'm tough, I can take it. ;)
But there will also be a lot of the normal stuff on here too.
So, on to other things. Like my kiddos, it is the end of the school year and it will be a crazy busy summer!
Yesterday was the end of the year awards assembly for my youngest, Addie. She is in first grade, and she is pretty much brilliant. Her teachers don't know what to do with her. She reads like a crazy person at 126 words in 40 seconds! WHAT! how is that even possible? They ask her questions and she is able to retain the story to answer the questions afterward. So she isn't skimming. And for the reading tests they read out loud. UGH! We will be at the library all summer I think.
Is is sad that when your child brings home a paper and she has missed one you are excited because it isn't another 100? Yes, I guess it is. I just worry that she is going to grow up expecting to always have to be perfect. Have the perfect grades, job... I want her to understand that it is OK to make mistakes once in a while, or more even...
Anyway. We were so proud of her yesterday as she was awarded the Academic Excellence award for her class. And she was so excited because she got the award last year as well!
I think this is pretty long. a book maybe? Perhaps I shouldn't wait so long between visits.
but I do have to brag about one more of my children, Jillian is 12 and she plays the alto sax in the 6th grade band. I am so proud of her. She works so hard. And she has accomplished so much. We got to hear her play last night in her 1st band concert with the sax, (they changed her in Dec from clarinet). And she played so well! We were very proud of her.
Well, I guess that is all for now. I will probably be back on later this week, as I still have so much to say! Maybe I should make some friends to talk to once in a while... hmm
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Uh oh! I think I slept through 2012....
Good Grief! Has it really been a year since I have posted! That is a really, really sad thing. Especially since I lost most of my blog friends! That's what happens when you ignore people right! Although that wasn't my intention.
I know it will take some doing, but I will try to win them back. ;)
The past year truly has gone by in a blur. And I am hopoing that maybe this year will be a little slower so I can see what is going on around me. I have missed being on here chatting and reading about everything going on.
Well, since this is my first time back in a very long 13 months I will keep it short and give a brief over view of my year. My Sweet friend Angie Berry from Berry homespun Primitives is likely to fall out of her chair when she sees I am FINALLY back on here! ;)
Ok, so to start off, really there hasn't been all that much...
Hmm... I married off my oldest daughter Brittany to a very nice young man in May 2011. They dated for 3 years and waited until she got a year of college in before they married. Now all we can do is hope she finishes... :)
We had a busy summer of church camps and mission trips. We took a few road trips. I will post some fun pics of those later.
Then school started! Thank you Lord! I was worn out and broke by the time they started school! Wait! I am always worn out and broke... well you know what I mean!
My 2nd daughter turned 16 in August. and so far we have managed to keep her from getting the dreaded D.L. But I know it won't be long now. Since she has a job and will need her own transportation.
In October we took a family vacation to the Durango, CO area! Loved it. I think it should be my home away from home.
November was a blessedly quiet month my 3rd daughter turned 12 just before Thanksgiving. Birthdays are always so much fun for our family.
Now we are looking forward to Christmas. And we are very late getting our tree up... But we are going to remedy that this evening.
I hope everyone has been blessed this year. And I would be more than happy to pray with you over any blessings or concerns you have.
Until next time, may it be before another year has passed. ;)
I know it will take some doing, but I will try to win them back. ;)
The past year truly has gone by in a blur. And I am hopoing that maybe this year will be a little slower so I can see what is going on around me. I have missed being on here chatting and reading about everything going on.
Well, since this is my first time back in a very long 13 months I will keep it short and give a brief over view of my year. My Sweet friend Angie Berry from Berry homespun Primitives is likely to fall out of her chair when she sees I am FINALLY back on here! ;)
Ok, so to start off, really there hasn't been all that much...

We had a busy summer of church camps and mission trips. We took a few road trips. I will post some fun pics of those later.
Then school started! Thank you Lord! I was worn out and broke by the time they started school! Wait! I am always worn out and broke... well you know what I mean!

In October we took a family vacation to the Durango, CO area! Loved it. I think it should be my home away from home.
November was a blessedly quiet month my 3rd daughter turned 12 just before Thanksgiving. Birthdays are always so much fun for our family.
Now we are looking forward to Christmas. And we are very late getting our tree up... But we are going to remedy that this evening.
I hope everyone has been blessed this year. And I would be more than happy to pray with you over any blessings or concerns you have.
Until next time, may it be before another year has passed. ;)
Monday, November 7, 2011
Good evening Friends, we made it through the weekend and today with lots of excitement! Got most of the kids well, my college student, Brittany, is now sick. But she can't blame that on us because we don't see her unless she needs money. Wink. It just occured to me I haven't shared any info on my precious girls.
Brittany is my oldest. She is 19 and attends the Unversity of Tulsa as a freshman, with Music as a first major and Vocal Performance as a second major. She is really very talented if I do say so myself.
Amanda is 15, a Sophmore in highschool. And she is envolved in everything... NHS, SERteens, Academic Club, CSU, Special Olympics helper, and is in all honors classes. She is a busy girl and thinks she has time for a job. I think not.
Jillian is 10, and in the 5th grade. She has joined together with a few friends at school, and on Wednesdays instead of going to recess she has a Bible study like the high school does. I was so very proud and impressed. They organized everything on there own.
And then there's Addeline, or Addie as we call her. And she is 5, will be 6 in Dec. She started Kindergarten this year and loves it. She keeps us all entertained with her vast imagination.
My oldest 2 have Dark brown hair and dark brown eyes from our Cherokee heritage. And Jillian has curly dark blonde hair with dark brown eyes. And Addie has blonde hair and my blue eyes. They are so so beutiful inside and out. It still amazes me how 4 children come from the same parents and are so completely different. Thank goodness! I just don't think I could handle more than 1 of each of them! haha.
Ok, I know I am a bit long winded today! But I had such an exciting weekend! I just have to share!
First off, we were woke up early Saturday morning to a small earthquake! In Oklahoma! I mean I know there are several fault lines that run through here. But in all my life, this past year has been the only time I have experienced one in this area! Well ever... so it kinda woke me up. I thought it was just a big strong wind blowing againgst my house. No biggie. I rolled over and went back to sleep.
Got up bright and early to find out it was not a wind. But not an over all big deal eitherat 4.7. Then there was a larger one Saturday night. That one we felt and left no doubt what we were experiencing! It was a 5.6. Which caused some damage in areas closer to the epi-center. But just made us feel like we were on a wild ride.
So Angie, my dearest friend from Berry Homespun Primitives and I went to a large yard sale my dad was having out in the crisp, and I mean CRISP cool air. My dad holds these yard sales for charity. So everything is donated. And all the money goes to wildfire victims in his area. The fires came right up to his home and melted some of the skirting, and burned most of his 10 acres. He was so blessed not to lose anything, that now he is trying to help those who did.
Anyway, I got some pics of what I picked up. And I have some work to do on some of them. But that's all the fun, right? Well, I keep telling myself that. But the outcome is well worth the effort.
This is a better look at the chair. I was pretty excited about this.
My cast iron milk jug! It says blue valley across the front. But someone wanted to make it a penny bank. That will soon be covered.
A number 8 crock, and an old ironing board.
These next pieces I am especially excited about! These will take some extra elbow grease! My dad just gave me these. He said he was going to burn them! I said load 'em up! I have the bottem drawer from the dresser. But it was falling apart. So we took it out for now. Nothing a good bit of sand paper can't fix on this baby though! And some know how for the drawer... ;)
This chest has 2 drawers and I believe someone added some wheels to the bottom. So those will come off. And I will focus on refurbishing it soon I hope!
Ok! That's all. Thanks for stopping by. I have to enjoyed visiting with everyone.
Have a Blessed week!
Brittany is my oldest. She is 19 and attends the Unversity of Tulsa as a freshman, with Music as a first major and Vocal Performance as a second major. She is really very talented if I do say so myself.
Amanda is 15, a Sophmore in highschool. And she is envolved in everything... NHS, SERteens, Academic Club, CSU, Special Olympics helper, and is in all honors classes. She is a busy girl and thinks she has time for a job. I think not.
Jillian is 10, and in the 5th grade. She has joined together with a few friends at school, and on Wednesdays instead of going to recess she has a Bible study like the high school does. I was so very proud and impressed. They organized everything on there own.
And then there's Addeline, or Addie as we call her. And she is 5, will be 6 in Dec. She started Kindergarten this year and loves it. She keeps us all entertained with her vast imagination.
My oldest 2 have Dark brown hair and dark brown eyes from our Cherokee heritage. And Jillian has curly dark blonde hair with dark brown eyes. And Addie has blonde hair and my blue eyes. They are so so beutiful inside and out. It still amazes me how 4 children come from the same parents and are so completely different. Thank goodness! I just don't think I could handle more than 1 of each of them! haha.
Ok, I know I am a bit long winded today! But I had such an exciting weekend! I just have to share!
First off, we were woke up early Saturday morning to a small earthquake! In Oklahoma! I mean I know there are several fault lines that run through here. But in all my life, this past year has been the only time I have experienced one in this area! Well ever... so it kinda woke me up. I thought it was just a big strong wind blowing againgst my house. No biggie. I rolled over and went back to sleep.
Got up bright and early to find out it was not a wind. But not an over all big deal eitherat 4.7. Then there was a larger one Saturday night. That one we felt and left no doubt what we were experiencing! It was a 5.6. Which caused some damage in areas closer to the epi-center. But just made us feel like we were on a wild ride.
So Angie, my dearest friend from Berry Homespun Primitives and I went to a large yard sale my dad was having out in the crisp, and I mean CRISP cool air. My dad holds these yard sales for charity. So everything is donated. And all the money goes to wildfire victims in his area. The fires came right up to his home and melted some of the skirting, and burned most of his 10 acres. He was so blessed not to lose anything, that now he is trying to help those who did.
Anyway, I got some pics of what I picked up. And I have some work to do on some of them. But that's all the fun, right? Well, I keep telling myself that. But the outcome is well worth the effort.
Lets see, there is this pretty chair. I just had to have. Several little jelly molds, a butter press, a butter crock, a set of shutters, an old throw that I am going to make a chair cushion with for my new chair and Angie's matching one. And an old milk jug with porcelain inside.
This is a better look at the chair. I was pretty excited about this.
My cast iron milk jug! It says blue valley across the front. But someone wanted to make it a penny bank. That will soon be covered.
A number 8 crock, and an old ironing board.
These next pieces I am especially excited about! These will take some extra elbow grease! My dad just gave me these. He said he was going to burn them! I said load 'em up! I have the bottem drawer from the dresser. But it was falling apart. So we took it out for now. Nothing a good bit of sand paper can't fix on this baby though! And some know how for the drawer... ;)
This chest has 2 drawers and I believe someone added some wheels to the bottom. So those will come off. And I will focus on refurbishing it soon I hope!
Ok! That's all. Thanks for stopping by. I have to enjoyed visiting with everyone.
Have a Blessed week!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
A New Day!
Well, today all of my kiddos are off to school after a bout with Strep throat. Hopefully they will all stay at school for the whole day! That would be new this week! I am so thankful they are feeling better, its so hard when you can't kiss the hurts away.
Anyway, last night I got a burst of energy and made dinner... But before I did that I decided to try a super easy recipe I have for cinnamon honey butter. And Oh my goodness! it turned out so so good! I had to take it away from my husband. I doubled the recipe and it only made 5- 8oz jars. But that is OK for now. As I plan to give 4 away. But I will have to make a much bigger batch next time! I know I should have taken pics to show everyone, but I just wasn't sure how it would turn out. SO next time I will do the right thing and take pics. ;)
I want to take a minute to thank everyone for welcoming me! I am overwhelmed by the sweet greetings! Thank you all so much! I truly look forward to getting to know you all!
I hope everyone is doing well.
Blessings to you all
Anyway, last night I got a burst of energy and made dinner... But before I did that I decided to try a super easy recipe I have for cinnamon honey butter. And Oh my goodness! it turned out so so good! I had to take it away from my husband. I doubled the recipe and it only made 5- 8oz jars. But that is OK for now. As I plan to give 4 away. But I will have to make a much bigger batch next time! I know I should have taken pics to show everyone, but I just wasn't sure how it would turn out. SO next time I will do the right thing and take pics. ;)
I want to take a minute to thank everyone for welcoming me! I am overwhelmed by the sweet greetings! Thank you all so much! I truly look forward to getting to know you all!
I hope everyone is doing well.
Blessings to you all
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Just the Beginning
Oh Boy! I've finally done it! My very dear sweet friend Angie Berry finally talked me into starting my first blog. And I admit I am pretty excited. Although, I have no idea what I will do with it now that I have it. I guess time will tell. I am sure it will have just about everything. Now I am going to go through all my photos and find some of my family and some of my favorite places to put on here. So my day will be wrapped up in setting up my blog. It may take me a while to get all of this figured out. I guess I will have to be patient! Not one of my virtues!
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